Hilltown Resource Management Cooperative

Serving Hilltown Area Sustainability, Recyclling & Solid Waste Needs Since 1989

Town Services

All HRMC Towns provide the following collection and recycling services.

Fluorescent Lights
Mattress Recycling
Propane Tanks

Hazaedous Waste

The 2024 Household Hazardous Waste event will be on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. Registration for event will take place Oct 1-16. For a PDF click here

What Do I Do With

There are over 350 items listed alphabetically by the Springfield MRF, To see the list click here.

HRMC Board Meeting

Monday, January 27 - 10:00am to noon

Williamsburg Town Offices
141 Main Street
Haydenville, MA
2nd Floor Auditorium

The Springfield MRF Advisory Board's annual Reduce Reuse Recycle guides are now available online!

HRMC member Town recycling is processed at the Springfield Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). For up to date recycling guides, please visit the MRF website: whats-recyclable-at-the-mrf

In honor of Earth Day in April, the guide features how the Springfield MRF benefits the regional economy and the environment, what materials are accepted at your town's municipal transfer station, and much more!
View the 2024 Edition Online at: Reduce Reuse Recycle (RRR)

Beyond the Bin - New Link

What is Beyond the Bin?
Beyond the Bin is for next-level searching. The directory helps Massachusetts residents find recycling and reuse outlets for household items - including old electronics, plastic bags, furniture, and textiles – that cannot be recycled with household bottles, cans and paper.

The new and improved Beyond the Bin directory is now part of Recycle Smart MA, along with the fan-favorite Recyclopedia, RSMA Quiz, and loads of other resources! You can find it here: Beyond the Bin